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How Publishers and Journal Editors Can Improve Your Research Impact and Visibility
Module 1: The international research publishers
Course video (14:54)
Check your understanding- 1
Check your understanding- 2
Check your understanding- 3
Further reading
Module 2: Learned societies and research publishing
Course video (7:04)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 3: Eight current trends in research publishing
Course video (12:25)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 4: The role of the Editor-in-Chief
Course video (10:59)
Check your understanding- 1
Check your understanding- 2
Module 5: Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief
Course video (22:09)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 6: Other editorial roles
Course video (8:46)
Check your understanding
Module 7: Coding languages and interoperability of systems
Course video (8:32)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 8: Five common requirements for journal indexing services
Course video (4:04)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 9: How publishers make content discoverable
Course video (11:06)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 10: Key innovations in assessing, publishing and profiling research
Course video (15:09)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 11: Key innovations in content and distribution
Course video (6:59)
Check your understanding
Further reading
Module 12: Roles of the publisher and journal editors – final exam
Final exam
Course video
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